谭永红 85级自控专业硕士生,原桂林电子科技大学校长,上海交通大学教授,博士生导师
教授:比利时根特大学电机工程博士,加拿大西蒙·弗雷泽大学博士后。曾分别在美国科罗拉多州立大学和加拿大康科迪亚大学做客座教授。信息产业部科学技术委员会委员、中国电子学会学术工作委员会委员。现分别任《International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science》、《电子学报》、《控制理论与应用》等学术期刊编委。从事工业过程控制、非线性动态系统建模与控制、精密制造系统智能化控制等研究与教学工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金项目:“具有迟滞特性的非线性动态系统智能控制与应用”、“含有非平滑非线性的三明治动态系统辨识与预测”。
Selected Publications in Journals
1. Adaptive output feedback control of systems preceded by the preisach-type hysteresis,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, v 35, n 1, February, 2005
2. Measurement, simulation on dynamic characteristics of a wire gauze–fluid damping shock absorber, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 20, Issue 3, April 2006
3. An inner product-based dynamic neural network hysteresis model for piezoceramic actuators, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 121, Issue 2, 30 June 2005
4. Modeling hysteresis using hybrid method of continuous transformation and neural networks, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 119, Issue 1, 28 March 2005
5. A neural networks model for hysteresis nonlinearity, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 112, Issue 1, 15 April 2004
6. Neural-networks-based nonlinear dynamic modeling for automotive engines, Neurocomputing, Volume 30, Issues 1-4, January 2000
7. Neural network based d step ahead predictors for nonlinear systems with time -delay, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 12, no. 1, 1999
1997年11月-: 桂林电子工业学院计算机系教授
1996年4月: 比利时根特大学自动化与控制工程系电机工程博士,从事基于神经网络的辨识、预测与控制研究
1996年4月-1998年5月: 加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学工程科学系博士后,从事汽车发动机故障诊断
2001年1-7月: 美国科罗拉多州立大学生物与环境资源系客座教授,从事生化过程模型与优化
2001年11月-2002年1月:加拿大康科地亚大学机械与工业工程系客座教授 ,从事超精密制造自动化
1999年12月-: 上海交通大学控制理论与控制工程学科博士生导师
2003年12月-: 西安电子科技大学信息与信号处理学科博士生导师
此外被IEEE ISIC2003、2005、2007,IEEE ICNSC 2006、2007, WAC–ISIAC2002 等邀为国际程序委员会委员,ICTC2006、ICCCAS2006大会主席。
被IEEE CCA 97、IEEE ISIC2001、ASCC2000、IFAC WC1999、IFAC YAC1995 等邀为分会主席
1) 中国电子学会理事、中国电子学会学术工作委员会委员
2) 中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会委员、广西自动化学会副理事长
3) 《电子学报》编委
4) 《International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 》编委
5) 《广西科学》编委
6) 国家自然科学基金委电子信息学部项目评审专家
7) 广西科技进步奖评审专家。
8) 《控制理论与应用》编委
9) 《Journal of Control Theory and Applications》编委
10) 科技部科技创新基金评审专家
11) 科技部科技国际科技合作项目评审专家
1)享受国务院特殊津贴的专家 2)广西自治区“十百千人才” 3)电子工业部优秀科技青年
1) 基于六维力传感器的柔性指规划与控制研究,(第2)国家自然科学基金 2) 现代控制理论在工业中应用(中波国际合作项目),(主持)国家科技部 3) 智能化工业虚拟传感器研究,(主持)广西自然科学基金 4) 智能自适应温度调节器研究,(主持)广西自然科学基金 5) 玻璃窑炉智能控制系统,(主持)桂林玻璃厂 6) 玻璃窑炉温度智能控制软件,(第2)广西科技攻关项目
1) 上大型目标探测与定位,(主持)国防预研项目 2) 基于小波神经网络的复杂系统辨识研究,广西教育厅科研基金 3) 具有迟滞特性的非线性系统的智能控制研究,(主持)国家自然科学基金 4) 玻璃窑炉温度智能控制软件研制,(主持)教育部重点科研项目 5) 数据融合研究,(主持)国防预研基金 5)非平滑三明治动态系统辨识与预测研究,(主持)国家自然科学基金 6)人体经络信息特征及信道模型辨识研究,(主持)广西自然科学基金
9)A Hybrid Neural Network Based Modeling For Hysteresis, 获 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control & Mediterrean Conference on Control and Automation最佳宣读论文奖
10)Auto-tuning PID control using neural predictor to compensate large time-delay,获1994 IEEE Conference on Control Application最佳论文提名
1. Tan, Y. and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Neural network based d step ahead predictors for nonlinear systems with time -delay, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 1999, vol. 12, no. 1, 21-35 2.
Tan, Y. and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Nonlinear one-step-ahead control using neural networks: control strategy and stability design, Automatica,1996,32(12) , 1701-1706
3. Tan, Y. and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Optimization techniques for the design of a neural predictive controller, Neurocomputing,1996, vol. 10, no. 3, 83-96
4. Tan, Y. and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Direct and indirect optimizing neural predictive control, Journal A, special issue on neural control, 1996, 37(3), 22-27
5. Tan, Y. and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Nonlinear neural controller with neural Smith predictor, Neural Processing Letters, 1(2) 1994, 24-27
6. Tan, Y. and R. De Keyser, Neural network based adaptive predictive control, in: D.W. Clarke ed., Advances in model based predictive control, Oxford University Press, London 1994, 358-369
7. Tan, Y. , An intelligent control scheme for on-line process control, Journal A, 33(4), 1992, 33-38
8. Tan, Y. , De-coupling design for multivariable adaptive internal model control, Journal A, 33(2),1992, 13-24
9. Tan, Y., Feedforward control of the process with unmeasured disturbances, Journal A, 31(2), 1990 , 19-32
10. Tan, Y., An architecture for adaptive neural control, Journal A, 34(4), 1993, 12-16
11. Tan, Y. , X. Dang and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Using wavelet basis function neural network for nonlinear dynamic modeling of manifold pressure. Journal A,1999, 40(2), 20-24
12. Tan, Y. and M. Saif, Neural networks based nonlinear dynamic modeling for automotive engines, Neurocomputing , 1999,30(1-4), 129-142
13. Tan, Y., X. Dang, and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Gradient descent algorithm design based on feedback control theory for neural network training and nonlinear system modeling, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 1999, 8(4), 399-405
14. Tan, Y. and A. Van Cauwenberghe, Neural network based nonlinear Smith predictor, Control Theory and Applications,2001
15. Zhao, X. and Y. Tan, Modeling Hysteresis and Its Inverse Model Using Neural Networks Based on Expanded Input Space Method , IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Volume 16, Issue 3, May 2008 Page(s):484 - 490
16. Yuan, S. and Y. Tan, Difference-type noise detector for adaptive median filter, IEE Electronic Letters, 2006, vol.42 no.8
17. Zhao, X. and Y. Tan, Neural network based identification of Preisach-type hysteresis in piezoelectric actuator using hysteretic operator, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 006, vol.126, no.2
18. Tan, Y.and X. Zhao, Neural modeling and control of dynamic systems with hysteresis, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2007, vol.31,no.1
19. Yuan, S. and Y. Tan, The solutions of equation-based noise detector for an adaptive median filter, Pattern Recognition, 2006, vol.39 no.11
20. Li. C. and Y. Tan, Modelling preisach-type hysteresis nonlinearity using neural network, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2007, vol.27 no.3
21. Yuan, S. and Y. Tan, Impulse noise removal by the difference-type noise detector and the cost function-type filter, Signal Processing, 2007, vol.87 no.10
22. Yuan, S. and Y. Tan, Impulse noise removal by a global-local noise detector and adaptive median filter, Signal Processing, 2006, vol.86 no.8
23. Li C.-T., Tan Y.-H, Adaptive output feedback control of systems preceded by the preisach-type hysteresis ,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 35 (1), pp. 130-135
24. Tong, Z., Tan, Y., Zeng, X. Modeling hysteresis using hybrid method of continuous transformation and neural networks, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 119 (1), pp. 254-262
25. Li, C., Tan, Y. Adaptive control of system with hysteresis using neural networks , Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 17 (1), pp. 163-167
26. Ma, L., Tan, Y., Chu, Y. Improved EHM-based NN hysteresis model , Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 141 (1), pp. 6-12