花江边社区—论坛's Archiver

atux 发表于 2009-6-20 17:57


[size=5][font=Arial]On the importance of a name[/font]
[font=Arial]Interestingly, recently the importance of a name has been brought into hot discussion. [/font]
[font=Arial]Some people strongly believe that a name is responsible for a person’s fate, that’s why they would take all the trouble to try various ways to find wonderful names for their children, expecting the names would work magic for a glorious future. According to these people, a child may grow up happy, smart, attractive, elegant or successful due to their names. [/font]
[font=Arial]Despite that, others have voiced a different opinion that a name is relatively insignificant comparing to the efforts a person makes to realize his/her future dream as a person’s fate is dominantly decided by a person himself/herself instead of the name he/she was given at his/her birth. Opportunities may count; and a person’s own efforts and decisions definitely count; but a name simply functions as the way of the person being called by others, which doesn’t work to change one’s life.[/font]

[font=Arial]As far as I am concerned, a beautiful name certainly is one of the factors to make a great first impression. However, it’s not so important and powerful as to decide a person’s future. To grab the fate, we need intelligence, honesty, sincerity and efforts more than a name.[/font][/size]

尧山AKamok 发表于 2009-6-20 18:17

沙发 沙发 沙发 2楼的立功了!2楼的立功了!不给3楼任何的机会。

lcg33333 发表于 2009-6-20 18:30

It`s obvious :楼上的受刺激了……

atux 发表于 2009-6-20 22:41


stacey4451 发表于 2009-6-21 16:39

没考 不知道大家都写的怎么样

lcg33333 发表于 2009-6-21 16:56

[b] [url=http://www.huaclub.cn/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=15104&ptid=2672]5#[/url] [i]stacey4451[/i] [/b]


stacey4451 发表于 2009-6-21 23:20

[b] [url=http://www.huaclub.cn/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=15105&ptid=2672]6#[/url] [i]lcg33333[/i] [/b] 嘎嘎 这娃真实在我上次六级的作文分也很低,不过阅读给拉上去了

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